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What to expect

This is commonly asked by people before they embark on a course of acupuncture.
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Your initial consultation

Your initial consultation can last up to 90 minutes during which detailed and comprehensive information is taken about your symptoms, previous treatment, medical history and general health and wellbeing. All these details are kept confidential and help to plan a specific course of treatment for you.

This initial consultation also includes an acupuncture treatment.

Karen Lawrie Acupuncture, Henley, Oxfordshire, UK

Tailored for you

Symptom Assessment: your main health concerns and symptoms you are experiencing, how they affect your daily life.

Treatment History: Any previous medical treatments or therapies you have received for your condition. This includes medications, surgeries, or other alternative treatments.

Medical History: Your medical history, including any chronic illnesses, injuries, or other health conditions you may have. This information is important for understanding your overall health.

  • Dietary Habits: Eating patterns, any specific dietary restrictions or preferences.
  • Digestive System: Your appetite, any digestive issues you may be experiencing.
  • Sleeping Patterns: How well you sleep, any sleep disturbances, and the quality of your rest.
  • Lifestyle and Habits: Any lifestyle factors that might be influential e.g stress levels, exercise habits

Some of the questions might seem unrelated to your condition but they are important to understand your overall health and design a treatment plan specifically tailored to your needs. Acupuncture treatments are highly individualized, as no two patients are exactly alike, and the treatment plan will be tailored to address your unique health concerns.

Acupuncture Services in Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire, Berkshire, UK

What does it feel like?

The needles used in acupuncture are very thin, typically about the same width as a human hair Because of their thinness, the insertion of these needles is not felt as a sharp or painful sensation, as you might experience with an injection. Instead, most people report feeling a variety of sensations that are generally mild and can include:

Tingling: Many people describe a tingling or a mild, dull ache at the insertion site. This sensation is usually not uncomfortable.

Warmth: Some individuals may feel a warm sensation around the needle, which can be soothing.

Pressure: Acupuncture needles may create a slight pressure or heaviness in the area where they are inserted.

Energy flow: Some people experience a subtle sense of energy movement or relaxation during the treatment.

Acupuncture Services in Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire, Berkshire, UK

How many treatments will I need?

The number of treatments you will need can vary widely from person to person and depends on several factors, including the nature and severity of the condition, your overall health, the type of treatment you are receiving, and how your body responds to the treatment.

For relatively recent and less severe conditions, you may require only a few sessions.

  • Acute condition: often respond more quickly to treatment, and you might start feeling improvement within a few sessions.
  • Chronic Conditions: Chronic or long-standing illnesses usually require more extended and consistent treatment. It may take several weeks or even months of regular sessions to see substantial improvements in chronic conditions.
  • Individual Variability: Response to treatment varies, some people may respond more rapidly and require fewer sessions, while others may need a more extended course of treatment.
  • Frequency of treatment: The frequency will be decreased depending on how your treatment progresses and how it best suits your needs.
  • Maintenance and Well-Being: Some individuals choose to continue with periodic treatments even after their initial condition improves. This can be a part of maintaining good health and well-being or managing chronic conditions to prevent relapses.
Acupuncture Services in Henley-on-Thames Oxfordshire, Berkshire, UK
British Acupuncture Council
Professional Standards Authority